HERE ARE SOME USEFUL IDIOMS 1.Drag one's feet : Take longer than necessary to do something. Usage : If you drag your feet, you will not be able to finish…
HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOUR HEART? Do you know the meanings of the phrases connected with heart? Take this quiz and send us the meanings of these phrases in…
Good To Excellence family wishes you, your family and friends a very happy, prosperous, learning rich and safe Deepawali. Festival of light or Deewali, as it is also known, is…
MATCH THE IDIOMS WITH THEIR MEANINGS The Activity here is to read the idiom and match it up with its appropriate meaning Idioms Meaning 1. Feel at sea a. An…
HERE ARE THE ANSWERS TO LAST WEEK'S QUIZ ON OPPOSITES. 1. Denied. He denied telling lies in his original statement. 2. Simplified. He simplified matters by rewriting the original proposal.…
Learn something new. How well do you know the opposites? Take this test. Replace the word in bold which has the opposite meaning. He admitted telling lies in his original…
Course content for Advanced Batch Grammar, vocabulary, various sentence structures to speak effectively which basically means polishing your language. Activities to practice what you have learnt. Presentation skills, writing skills…
All New batch in a new Avatar for Advanced is starting on 16th September. Do you want to neutralize your accent? Looking to improve your interview skills? Come and join…
New batch for Spoken English is starting from 2nd September. It is a course for beginners and Basic Level students which will help them to overcome their hesitation to speak…
Hello all, We are happy to announce start of Good To Excellence; an intitute with focus on quality and sincerity. We hope we shall meet the expectations to improve your…