Website in new Avatar!
We are happy to announce our newly designed site. Over the past few months, we were analyzing the comments received to make our website more content oriented. Those inputs went into making a new structure for the website as well as new content. Here comes the new Avatar of our website 🙂
We are glad to announce that from now on, we shall be adding regular content to our site. We shall also be giving weekly updates on our training and scores that our students are scoring.
In this new site, “courses” section is now rearranged, and the menu drop-down gives details on each course and associated link. Therefore, you can select a course and directly go to the content of that training. The achievement sections now give scores of our students, appearing in various exams. This is a sure way to check the marks being scored by our students. This way you shall feel confident about the quality of training that we are offering. We encourage you to check our achievement section by clicking here.
Noteworthy is the fact that from now on, we shall be updating achievements and developments on a regularly basis. We shall also be carrying out tips for students attending our various training programs. We are sure these tips shall contribute to the progress that you are already making.
Tune in regularly to receive more updates. This new avatar shall bring in more updates, information, tips and expert comments.